All are invited to attend any of our meetings. If you are not a Christian in the fellowship of our local assembly, you will be welcome at any of our services to observe and listen without obligation. You will not be asked to participate or to give a donation; afterwards we will gladly welcome any questions that you have. Click the link below for a full description of the principles governing our meetings.
The purpose of the Breaking of Bread (often termed the "Remembrance Meeting") is to remember the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We he hold this meeting on the first day of every week: all who are received into fellowship with us are welcome to partake of the emblems (the bread and the wine), with the men being welcome to participate publicly.
The ministry meeting is a meeting wherein the Bible is systematically taught and explained. Any one of the believing brethren received into fellowship may be called upon to speak, and the meeting is open to all. We also have visiting speakers from time to time.